IT IS TIME to get SMART about your First Aid Cabinets & Kits!
Start saving a bunch of money and have time to focus on other important Safety Programs. Our clients typically save 50% or more compared to their current program.
Stop being a victim of your First Aid Van service!
Stop being a victim of drivers that have quotas to make!
Stop signing contracts that lock you into this overpriced, overstuffing, service!
Do you manage your own cabinets? Stop wasting your time and money with cluttered, disorganized, overstuffed, non-compliant cabinets.
Get off the First Aid "Van" Wagon
What is SmartCompliance?
Watch to understand what SmartCompliance First Aid Cabinets are, how they work, and why they are redefining the business first aid industry. Must-see!
SmartCompliance Retrofit
Learn how to convert an existing First Aid cabinet to the benefits of SmartCompliance and reduce first aid costs by up to 50% over traditional van services.

Do you have a Fleet of Vehicles?
Manage with ease. Now each person can order on our app when they are inspecting their vehicles.
Van Services want your cabinets be cluttered and overstuffed.
Why? That way you can’t tell what they are really putting in there.
Purchase New, Organized SmartCompliance Cabinets, or Retrofit your current cabinets, and get rid of the clutter for good! Our cabinets cannot get cluttered and disorganized.
WE HAVE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU!Our SmartCompliance™ First Aid Solutions are the best solutions to save money, save hassle, and save your safety budget!

Most people are given the impression that First Aid Cabinet systems are complex, tedious to manage, and require a lot of time and attention to maintain. That is simply not true. “Van Service” type providers are trained to sell these products and “maintenance contracts” that way, but that is for their benefit, not the client’s.